PANA Statement on President’s Third Attempt at a Muslim Ban: Original Intent to Discriminate Remains and Is Now Indefinite



SAN DIEGO – Today’s Supreme Court decision and its endorsement of Trump’s white nationalist agenda is an incredibly dark day in our history. This ruling follows the history of past immoral Supreme Court decisions upholding slavery and interming Americans based on their Japanese ancestry.

“Today and everyday, we must work to build an inclusive country where all people are afforded their full freedoms, free of discrimination, and their country’s commitment to fairness, dignity, and respect for all.” - Sahra Abdi, PANA Board Member
“Silence in the face of xenophobia and racism is its own endorsement, and that it is our moral imperative -- IN THIS MOMENT -- to instead speak up and stand up against injustice.” - Lori Shellenberger, PANA Board Member

The Muslim Ban is just one piece of this administration’s white nationalist agenda. Our opportunity to fight back is to turnout at the polls and to hold our electeds accountable.

Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans - PANA and it’s partners at MPower Change, Pillars of the Community, CAIR San Diego, San Diego Border Dreamers and others have been preparing for this. Join us tonight.

What: #StandWithMuslims Day of Action

When: 7PM today, Tue Jun 26

Where: Edward J. Schwartz Federal Building

Address: 880 Front St San Diego, CA 92101

RSVP and Share on Facebook

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Led by the communities it serves, The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans - PANA, amplifies refugee voices to increase their visibility and impact. We do this by using community organizing and leadership development to achieve policy wins and better access to justice for our most marginalized families. PANA also provides support to communicates directly affected by the Muslim Ban, including nationals from Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. We are building a more powerful movement community of former refugee and newcomer families better equipped to take on rising authoritarianism and inequity.

June 26th, 2018

Contact: Ramla Sahid
