Our approach

We work at the intersection of Black, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA) communities that consistently face barriers to basic human rights like healthy housing, family-sustaining jobs, and quality education; and are impacted by racial and ethnic profiling, religious discrimination, Islamophobia, and government surveillance and harassment. 

We use relational organizing to bring the community onto a pathway of long-term engagement and leadership development so they can be involved in, inform, and eventually lead PANA’s work. We are unwavering in our commitment to our Serve the People Model, which is the framework for understanding all the work we do: 

Engage, Respond, & Learn 

  • Meet community through walk-ins, house meetings, town halls, and community events.
  • Provide support to community members seeking assistance on a variety of issues.
  • Identify systemic issues faced by the community.

Educate & Facilitate 

  • Increase understanding of rights and policies that impact individuals and the community.
  • Foster collective consciousness and problem solving with previously siloed communities.
  • Authentically engage in community decision making.

Build Power & Lead

  • Augment strengths and knowledge of community leaders.
  • Encourage, develop, and support community leadership.
  • Fight inequity and expand rights through community-driven organizing and policy campaigns.