In Defense of Our Communities
We know that the road ahead will be challenging, and it’s going to take all of us to push forward and create a future that values all of us.

In the news

Voting rights: California lawmakers may translate more ballots, help more non-English-speakers to vote
Advocates say California’s immigrant citizens who need it should get ballots and voting help in their own language.
Opinion: Here’s how automatic license plate readers make us less safe and expose our personal data
City’s Public Safety Committee votes to support San Diego Police Department’s smart streetlight proposal



Join us to develop the Refugee & Immigrant Cultural Hub (RICH) with affordable housing in San Diego
Posted on 08/29/2024
See the video
Mariam Assefa video for PANA's Refugee & Immigrant Cultural Hub (RICH) proposal
Posted on 06/20/2024
Community Visioning of Refugee & Immigrant Cultural Hub development in Mid-City, San Diego
Posted on 02/05/2024